Jun 7Liked by My Baseball History

1) Ah, crap, I forgot you'd be at the East-West Classic! I was there covering it but unfortunately didn't see you. 2) When my wife and I visited Ernie Banks' grave a few years ago, we were admiring it when a cemetery truck drove past with an SUV behind it. As he drove by, the cemetery employee reached out his window and pointed over the roof of the truck to Ernie's grave and the SUV stopped. My wife and I -- who had found it on our own -- chuckled.

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This is my fault! I normally don't post about where I'm going to be traveling... just where I have recently traveled! I fixed that for you with Issue 016. So mark me down in your calendar in case you're going to be where I'm going to be!

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Jun 18Liked by My Baseball History

All good! I think you had mentioned it at Paul's gallery opening, but I'd forgotten by the time the weekend arrived. If nothing else, I'm sure we'll run into each other at SABR. (As much as I'd like to go to League Park, I don't think I can swing it that weekend.)

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